wifi Router Configuration Center Admin Login

Connecting to your router is the first step to setting up your home or office wireless network. Getting the basic configuration right will ensure your Wi-Fi is up and running, reliable and secure. To accomplish that, you are going to need to know what to do with the router’s default IP address. IP Address

Admin Panel for


What is

The four numbers between 0 and 255 are your network’s internal or private address. They are the address your router uses to communicate with the Internet. That means when you use a website or a web service you connect an internet-capable device to the router. The router sends to the website/service. They send the requested data packages back to your private IP - In that way, your devices don’t have direct contact with the Internet. They receive their private Internet Protocol addresses, which are related to For example, if you connect your laptop to the router first, it will get the same private IP, except the last number, which will be one higher. When you connect a smartphone to the network, it gets a private IP - + 2. In short, is the gateway between your network and the World Wide Web.

In theory, you can set your router’s private IP to be anything you like. is what the manufacturer-assigned by default to all devices they produced. The only exception is the following ranges:

  • 0.0.0 –
  • 16.0.0 –
  • 168.0.0 –

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved these numbers for internal use by the organization.

How to Use to Set Up Your Network?

Getting your router ready to work doesn’t require special technical knowledge. You can set up your home or office wireless network following some easy steps:

  • Start with getting it out of the box. Look at the label on the bottom of the device. You will see the IP and the default username and password you will need to complete the setup.
  • Plugin the router and fire it up.
  • Plugin the Ethernet cable in a laptop or a computer to check if your Internet connection works.
  • Then plug the same Ethernet cable in the router’s Ethernet port. It should be in a different color from the other ports on the device.

When the Wi-Fi light starts blinking, you should be able to see the network. Its default name will be the make and model of the router.

Accessing the Admin Panel and Adjusting the Basic Setting

Open Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, or any other web browser of your choosing. Type in the address bar and hit enter. You will find yourself on the admin panel’s login page of your router. Use the username and password on the label at the bottom of the device and access the menu.

There, you will be able to adjust the basic settings of your wireless network:

  • SSID – the network’s name.
  • Password and encryption for the network.
  • The admin panel’s username and password.

You can even change the private IP to anything you choose.

Don’t Worry if You Mess Up

There are very few things that that can go wrong while you are messing around with the settings. Even if you make a mistake, you can’t irreversibly damage the router or your network. You can always perform a factory reset by holding the Reset button on the device for thirty seconds. Or, you can consult the device’s user manual to see what the model’s specific factory reset process is. Then you will need to return to the first step of the setup process and try again.

The Importance of a Strong Password

Setting up strong passwords for both your router and network are the most important steps to take here. They will ensure your Wi-Fi is protected against intruders. Remember the new username and pass for the router. They will be the only way to control your private network’s settings. If you forget them for one reason or another, you will have to reset the device back to factory settings. Then go through the setup process once again.